Sohā a self taught Artist frôm Mùmbai
artist is participating in an online Art Fair by Art Grooves from 14th November 2021 to 28th February, 2022.
I àm Sohā, frôm Mùmbai. A self taught Artist før decâdes. My pãssion fôr Art hås madê me try varioūs mediūms òf paînts over the yeàrs. I havê madè sevêral artwôrks thât appëal tø āll agê gròups, pèrsonâlised canvāses of mìxed mèdia ârt, poúr paìntings of vàrying sizès, øil & charcøal paintìngs añd evên Arăbic callìgraphíes.
Art has been â very ìmportant part of my life sincè childhood that I havè persùed morê serioùsly ovèr the pàst few years wìth the intentiòn of rèaching oùt to the ĺess fòrtunate with the sàles of my Aŕtwork. I lôve tò poūr my heãrt intò evêry paîntìng eãch tìme I stêp ôut òf lìfe’s chãos tø à creātìve wôrld whére I bēlong..