Alopecia areata Causes, Signs & Medicines by Dr Naman Nigam Homoeopathic Expert
Alopecia areata is the loss of hair in circular or oval patches from the scalp or elsewhere such as eyebrows, beard, etc. Thebald patches are usually of the size of a five-rupee coin or one-rupee coin. Complete loss of hair may also occur in some individuals although it is not very common. Having bald patches on one’s head, beard and eyebrows can be very distressing.
Alopecia areata is a fairly common skin disorder and about 1 percent of the population is affected at any given time. Unlike other kinds of hair loss, alopecia areata is a reversible hair loss as the follicles ( a structure that encloses the root of the hair) of hair are not damaged. Alopecia areata does not affect patient health in any other way. Few people complain of itching when hair starts falling. There is no physical discomfort associated with it.
What is Alopecia Areata?
The loss of hair in patches is known as alopecia areata. In alopecia areata, usually hair loss is seen on the scalp, but any body part covered with hair can be affected. When alopecia areata appears in the beard, it is known as alopecia areata barbae.Homeopathy is an advanced science and treats many diseases of autoimmune origin including alopecia areata. Homeopathic medicines work by stopping the progress in the size of the bald spots and help in the regrowth of hair. Homeopathic medicines for treating alopecia areata originate from natural sources which exclude any risk of side effects.
Causes of Alopecia Areata
Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease. In this condition, the defense cells of the body – because of a misdirected response – start to destroy hair follicles resulting in bald patches. Heredity and genetics play a significant role in alopecia areata. Patients suffering from alopecia areata very often mention a family member suffering from the same condition.
Signs and Symptoms of Alopecia Areata
Alopecia areata shows up as bald patches. The most common areas for alopecia areata are the scalp and the beard but may involve any body part with hair. There may be one, or multiple bald patches. The patches are usually round in shape and smooth to touch.
Take homoepathic medicine only under guidance of homoepathic doctor only
1. Arsenic Album – Homeopathic Medicine for Alopecia Areata Accompanied by Itching and Burning on the Scalp
Arsenic Album is a recommended homeopathic treatment for alopecia areata which appears as circular bald patches along with itching and burning on the scalp. These symptoms aggravate at night. In some cases, the scalp is also sensitive.
2. Vinca Minor – Another Useful Homeopathic Medicine for Alopecia Areata
Vinca Minor is another useful homeopathic medicine for alopecia areata. It works well in cases where there is a tendency for hair to fall in spots which are then replaced by white hair. Along with this, itching and violent scratching over the scalp may also be present.
3. Baryta Carb, Lycopodium, and Silicea – Homeopathic Medicines for Alopecia Areata in Young People
The most prominently indicated homeopathic medicines for alopecia areata in young people are Baryta Carb, Lycopodium, and Silicea. Baryta Carb helps in recovering from bald patches that occur on the top of the scalp. Lycopodium works well for bald patches on the temples. Silicea is a good homeopathic treatment for alopecia areata occuring on the back of the scalp.
4. Fluoric Acid – Excellent Homeopathic Medicine for Alopecia Areata
Fluoric Acid is among the top grade homeopathic remedies for alopecia areata. Fluoric Acid helps in the regrowth of hair in the bald patches. Fluoric Acid is also a highly suitable homeopathic medicine for hair fall after fever.
5. Phosphorus – A Wonderful Homeopathic Medicine for Alopecia Areata
Another homeopathic medicine that has shown its effectiveness in alopecia areata cases is Phosphorus. Phosphorus works well in cases where a person suffers from the loss of hair in patches. Along with hair loss, dandruff on the scalp is also present. In some cases, there is itching on the scalp along with hair fall. Phosphorus also seems to help cases of traction alopecia. In such situations, there is a receding hairline. Hair fall from the forehead is prominent. A person needing Phosphorus may crave cold drinks and ice creams.