Wonder Mom Season 2 by Motherhood Club
An initiative to honour mothers having a unique journey

Motherhood Club (MHC) celebrated Wonder Mom Season 2 awards and a mesmerizing poetic evening on 22nd December 2022. The online award event was held to felicitate 31 Wonder moms and 20 Super moms from all over India and Abroad for their inspirational journey as mothers. Wonder mom season 2 was opened by Akta Sehgal ,founder MHC with a welcome speech.
Hosted by Akta Sehgal Malhotra, Founder MHC and Ila Pachauri, Chief Happines officer MHC, Wonder mom season 2 was held at an online event on Motherhood Club. The felicitation event was presided by the Chief guests,Mrs. Madhu Sehgal , Creative Head Naam’s creations and educationist and Mr. Mukesh Bhatnagar, a Social worker and an author. This year team Motherhood came up with a unique concept of mothers nominating other mothers ,who were chosen for the honour.

Shraddha Joshi, Sangeeta Sudhakaran , Bhagirathi, Soni, Kanti, Nidhi Singhal, Jaya Shaktawat,Neha Bhagat , Anjani Sachdev,Neerja Brajesh, Sweta Prasad, Ananya P Dodmani, Archana Patil ,Kavita, Ganga Chettry, Lalita Devi, Rachita Rastogi,Manju Lata, Dr. Sonali Jain, Himani Rahul Patil,Ritu Dwivedi,Indira Rana, Neelima Saxena ,Aparna Sharma, Rose Saini, Rupali Lakshay Saxena, Shipra Dhir, Arunima Bahadur ,Sneh Dutt, Sanyukta Banerji and Mita Wadhwa were 31 mothers who were awarded with the Wonder mom award . Shubhra Paliwal, Rashmi Goswami, Poonam Bhatnagar, Vimlesh Sharma, Shweta Tyagi, Vandana Soni, Anju Kwatra, Saradha Iyer, Nutan Yogesh Sharma , Surakhsa Pruthi Khurana, Swetha Sundar , Ripa Mehta, Shivani Bhardwaj, Tapasya Sureka, Richa Dinesh Sharma,Varsha Dikshit, Monika Patni, Ranjana Majumdar, Umang Sarin and Sarmishtha Mukherjee were the 20 inspirational mothers who were awarded as Super Moms.

The event was made all the more precious by an poetic evening where 15 poets were invited to read their poems during the award event .Manju Lata, , Himani Patil, Sarmishtha Mukherjee,Swetha Sundar, Vaishali Tambe, Shubhra Paliwal Nutan Yogesh Saxena,Nidhi Bansal, Varsha Dikshit,Richa Dinesh Sharma, Ranjana Majumdar, Umang Sarin Poonam Bhatnagar, Anju Kwatra, and Vandana Soni entralled the audiences with their praise worthy poems. Ila Pachauri ended the eclectic event by giving a vote of thanks to the participants and audiences.
कॉप 27: कमज़ोर देशों के हितों के लिए हुआ एहम फैसला, नहीं हुई एमिशन पर रोक के लिए खास कार्यवाई