Artist Sapna Anand
artist is participating in an online Art Fair by Art Grooves from 14th November 2021 to 28th February, 2022.

Check out her artworks at the ongoing Art Fair by Art Grooves. From the artist ‘Since the beginning of my tryst with Art, I have explored different subjects. I have forever been fascinated with the beautiful Ghats of Benaras and the changing urban landscapes. Urbanism though integral to our life is often viewed as anti-nature yet when one reminisces it constitutes a big part of it. Drawn from memories and the nostalgia, I created my first significant series Yonder and beyond in 2018. With the various elements of urbanism I painted my feelings about the places I visited, the things I remembered and what became a part of me.
About “Cacophony of the mind”
As lockdown began in 2020 and I was uprooted from my home of about 8 years, a new sentiment evoked in me a sense of loneliness, looking at the world as a bystander wondering and weighing the importance of the things we deem so significant for our existence. The isolation led to an inward journey and thus began the creation of my new series, “The Cacophony of a Mind”.
I am hugely inspired by Kandinsky, De Kooning, Mark Rothko and Helen Frankenthelar. I have learnt from a few contemporary artist in workshops and short duration courses and it has definitely influenced my style and process of creation.
I find inspiration everywhere. For me the world is a muse and I absorb the different energies that come my way, ever changing my constitution. Through my Artworks I want to evoke an emotion in the audience, give them something to think about, see the demons we all fight with almost everyday.
My representation is metaphorical and I present the contradictions of our being. The situations that we are presented with and the course we take is as distinct as our mind.’.