What is Resurgenta Wellness

The last couple of decades have witnessed an immense growth in knowledge related to health, shifting focus specifically to genetics. Today, more than ever, accurate and reliable genetic analyses are helping the healthcare industry design effective treatment plans.
What is Resurgenta and what we do:
Resurgenta Wellness is Novogenia’s trusted partner in India. Based in Austria, Novogenia is one of the leading laboratories in the world in DNA analyses.Headquartered in New Delhi, Resurgenta Wellness brings Novogenia’s groundbreaking insights in preventative genetic testing and individualised nutritional supplements to India. As per Devika Narain, MD and Founder, Resurgenta Wellness, “ The key objective is to provide valuable benefits through diagnosis to encourage preventative healthcare and optimised lifestyles to individuals. At Resurgenta Wellness, we firmly believe that a proactive attitude and timely tests go a long way in keeping health problems at bay.”
We provide reports based on in-depth analyses to help a medical practitioner design individual-specific treatment plans. Novogenia’s extensive proprietary portfolio is a game changer in the field of genetic analyses.
DNAnutriControl by Novogenia brings reliable and accurate lifestyle genetic analyses. Products belonging to the lifestyle category focus on weight management, healthy nutrition, micronutrient recommendations, athletic performance, and detoxification of the body, and more.
Novogenia DNAhealthControl is designed to provide reliable preventive genetic analyses. The focus is on answering questions related to risks of inherited diseases and help formulate personalised healthcare programs in the prevention of a disease, timely detection and enhancing the effectiveness of treatment. Its portfolio covers a wide range of analyses, including those for breast cancer, prostate cancer, thrombosis and cardiovascular health, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and neurological health, rheumatoid arthritis, and many more.DNAhealthControl tests analyse the disease risks for prevention, early detection, treatment of diseases and practical support for neutralising the risks associated with congenital diseases.
NutriMeComplete is lifestyle nutritional supplement produced on the individual requirements of your genes.
Nutrients are adapted precisely to individual requirements, with the help of a genetic analysis carried out in advance and divided into practical daily rations. This ensures an optimum supply of essential vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and secondary plant substances aimed at preventing potentially harmful over- or under-supply of various nutrients
A DNA test for preventative healthcare is the key to better health management and therapy.
Some of the key benefits:
Accurate diagnosis, determines the risks and correct course of treatment.
Discover the key to good health with a simple DNA test. We want you be future healthy.
Do check on www.resurgenta.com