ANON Global Foundation
promoting and enabling wellness and living standards

We all are experiencing a truly unprecedented situation. The coronavirus COVID-19 global pandemic is adversely affecting every aspect of our lives, from how we work to how we conduct our daily lives at home with our families.
The second wave of COVID-19 has hit the second-most populous country in the world, India like a tsunami. The medical infrastructure is struggling to keep up with basic medications, blood tests, scans, beds, facilities, etc. The doctors and health care workers are exhausted beyond their capacity, pained with the fact that they at times cannot help without the necessities even though they wish to. People are dying at home, in cars, in front of the hospitals, trying to breathe. The country is witnessing a huge scarcity of Oxygen.
The lack of timely availability of oxygen is causing deaths which could have been avoided. Covid Care Centres or homes do not have enough oxygen to support patients impacted with Covid. The only way possible for people of India right now is to start looking for hospitals as soon as the SPO2 levels fall, however, the outrageous number of cases makes it impossible for people to get oxygen beds in the hospitals for timely treatment.
Adding to this plight is the shortage of oxygen in various hospitals, which is leading to the helplessness of people. There are cases in the hospitals where the patients who are critical are being asked to leave because the hospital is running out/does not have enough oxygen. The helplessness of the patients, hospitals, health care workers, and doctors is overwhelming and something that’s painful to witness.
We at ANON Global Foundation along with Green Equity Foundation Trust, SAANS and Chinmaya Foundation Chicago are working hard to help prevent deaths by focusing on helping entities get the Oxygen Concentrators and allied medical equipment. As the medical infrastructure is under tremendous stress, Covid Care Centres are being created for the public at places such as Gurudwaras, Temples, Community centres, Resident Welfare Associations etc.
This will give common people access to oxygen support irrespective of where they are coming from. This support can help save several lives by providing timely oxygen support. With the bursting COVID numbers and over-occupied hospitals, this project aims to bring new hopes for the people of India and save lives. We are targeting to have upto 1000 oxygen concentrators in place in next 10 days.
This project aims to provide 20-200 beds per camp absolutely free of cost and the access would be on a first come first serve basis. We have a team of 180 plus volunteers on the ground to help extend the operational services to these patients and other partners organisations to provide medical and paramedical resources.
Need Support:
To roll out this help and break the chain of people losing their lives in India, we need people to support the cause and donate as much as they can. Your contribution may save the life of the only earning member of the family, maybe your one donation can make few faces smile in adversities, maybe your one donation can add to your blessings.
Please support this cause with open arms and let’s stand united to save India from this disaster and trauma.
You can donate from India or abroad as per the information below :
ANON Global Foundation extends its Gratitude in anticipation of support from your esteemed organisation.
Profile of Organisations involved:
Anon Global Foundation (Organiser) : ANON a social NGO, is dedicated to the cause of promoting and enabling wellness and living standards, for the all-round welfare of society by imparting training to school children on various health-related issues.
ANON has been working as a catalyst in bringing holistic health solutions for sustainable livelihood with a primary focus on mental health and life skills among the children, adolescents, youth, teachers, and parents. They focus on imparting awareness on Anger Management, Substance Abuse, Stress management, Social Isolation, Online Gaming addiction, Motivation, Gender Sensitisation, Anti Bullying,
During the COVID crisis, ANON Global Foundation has always stepped up to help the community at large with every small and big help it could provide. In the first wave of COVID in 2020, ANON started a food drive and a community kitchen to help the migrant workers in despair and distributed food packets in excess of 100,000.
Not only this, but ANON has also distributed, masks, sanitizers, and basic hygiene-related things in the slums of India to help them protect from the Virus.
ANON Global Foundation also collaborated with the YWCA of India for the World YWCA project “Covid Crisis Response Initiative” for training students, teachers, and parents on Psycho-Social and Mental health-related topics. The program covered more than 20,000 participants within a period of 2 months.
Green Equity Foundation Trust is engaged in promoting betterment of environment and environmental best practices leading to improved quality of life for the global society and succeeding generations. Its focus is to promote GREEN INITIATIVES by encouraging and supporting activities enabling organic produce, bio-fuel, renewable energy, green housing and preservation of biodiversity and ecosystem.
Team at Green Equity is collaborating on global exchange platform for research, development, technology and innovation to enable their effective exploitation. We also believe in early incubation by promoting education at various levels to create awareness and respect for Green Initiatives and Ecology. There is also a sustained focus on how to create sustainable avenues of livelihood for alleviating poverty.
With a special focus on social welfare, the foundation is engaged in creating and promoting initiatives for differently abled children, Widows (with emphasis on War and forest outcomes) and physically challenged people. This includes establishing shelters and create appropriate facilities for taking care of the supportless and homeless old aged persons
SAANS Chicago :
SAANS is a non profit organization which is engaged in medical welfare of the society. The varied health issues, rising costs of medical facilities has increasingly made it difficult for a common man to afford the basic medical treatment as is becoming a cause of concern across the globe.
The sole objective of the foundation to help the needy and poor by providing them medical expertise, treatment guidance or equipment helping them save lifes.
SAANS is currently engaged helping people in India to deal with the current pandemic situation which has hit the nation hard.