“Blogs Can Be Your Best Friend in Free Time, Check How!”
Our mind used to work 24 hours a day but consciously it works only 15 to 16 hours, rest is used by the unconscious mind. Sometimes, we hear or read some message or information which get stored back in the unconscious mind. Whenever we try to relax and try to calm our mind from the daily routine, then the unconscious mind starts thinking. It shows all the hidden thoughts and argues with us, makes us think over and over again that these hidden messages are right. Do we really want to understand its meaning as it is shown to everyone?
At this point, a battle gets started in the mind and it keeps on going until we contradict the thought and get on the right point.
But just arguing with oneself, can we get the solutions? Maybe or may not, but it is sure that evil has been born to solace our thoughts & ultimately rest to give an opinion which can induce for writing A BLOG.
Writing a blog is expressing the personal feeling with the society and to make them understand, there are two-phase in life which they think of.
In the current scenario blog is a kind of journal which can be shared with everyone through the digital platform. Express the feelings, Express thoughts, and get interacted with society.
Before we start writing a blog, just think once Why we want to write? Do we want to share our thoughts with the society?
Motivation drives Sakshi. It attracts the audience because it provides something of value to them. Its is popular idea used by business or an individual to reach billions. Blog can be on as simple as pen or something on LHC (Large Hydron Collider). It’s the readers tastes that influence blogger to share their perspective.
This leads to question, how to write it?
Blogging stands on simple belief- to cultivate the online community and engage the audience. Choose your target audience and brainstorm the idea you want to present. Once centre of locus is clear, build around it. Research extensively on your concept and share your views with the world.
With the blog, sky is the limit. Idea behind blogging may sound exhausting to some but it does bring people of same understanding under one umbrella. Also, let’s not forget it does bring monetary support if marketed strategically. One must put out their thoughts and view to the audience, anonymously if preferred, to get heard of.
– Author: Sakshi Narayan, a blogger and an artist, holds a degree of MBA in Human Resources and Finance from Gautam Buddha University. Also, she is a Diploma holder in the French Language from Amity University. She has gained six years of experience in various firms, and now she is working with a renowned firm for the last year.
She started her blog “Drishtikon- New Vision”‘ to influence society, to the new generation by giving a thoughtful message to them. She says, “People are born with some unique skills, the only challenge is to find out their uniqueness and make yourself different from others”.