Understanding the Age of Aquarius and the new 5D reality
Healing Master Mirjam
In wisdom and Indigineous traditions women are believed to be the midwives of the soul and have known to hold the mysteries and power of rebirthing in times of transitioning a new era. At this moment in time, lightworkers and empaths are performing a service that is greater than just their own lives – they’re helping to clean up and transmute the negative energies of earth into light energy. What this means for you at an individual level is that there are going to be similarities and trends across the lessons the collective is experiencing, because we’re shifting the world’s energy collectively. And simply by changing our energetic resonance on just one issue, we change the entire morphic resonance of that issue for the world. So simply sharing this information with other likeminded people can cause a knock-on effect that can accelerate the shift for all of us. We discuss these thoughts with 4 women from around the world who are playing an active role stewarding this shift in our collective consciousness. Mandira Srivastava is a Dance Therapist, Reiki Master – Teacher, Metaphysical Practioner, and Certified Minister of Ceremonies. Mandira thinks of life as a dance, with each person dancing to the beat of a different drummer… and she is professionally present for those who wish to find their own unique rhythm….and…Awaken The Dance Within…..! https://www.facebook.com/Awaken-The-D… Luea is a Transition Process Steward, and Systemic Thinker for Collective Transitions. Luea helps navigate complexity and embrace uncertainty and creates spaces to heal, restore and enliven. https://luearitter.org/en/ Mirjam Schouten, is a Master of Shamballah Multi-Dimensional Healing Environmentally inflicted illnesses, such as electromagnetic hyper-sensitivity (EHS) which requires a holistic approach. https://talent-pr-consultancy.com/ Atiya Khan is known as Pakistan’s first super model. In 2001 she joined the Naqshbandi Sufi system and subsequently started using her celebrity status to promote Sufism and moderate Islam by producing and directing various shows and documentaries for mainstream media. She has recently made a documentary called “Qalandar Code” Rise of the Divine Feminine about the concept of the Divine Feminine in Islam and Sufism by documenting the secret tradition of the escape of Fatima( daughter of the Prophet of Islam)to a sacred cave. Take a look at atiya khan (@atiyajhs): https://twitter.com/atiyajhs?s=09